Paramedical healthcare field attracts to save lives & helping people, being a doctor is not your only choice. We how else you can help patients without being a doctor, here we serving awesome opportunity for society lives.

The medical specialty that determines the cause of diseases by examining body for tissues your tissue discovery.
Diagnosing disease through the examiner of tissue samples by using biomedical equipment.
The service from discovery intensive for search ensues to find drives accelerated by delivery of preclinical candidate.
Diagnosing disease through the examiner of tissue by using biomedical equipment for medical examiner result.
Adolescent friendly services are important in the HIV program. IHVN is doing a good job in involving adolescents and young people to educate their peers. Peer educators have been trained to counsel, care for and refer adolescents living with HIV to health care workers.
I remember that a lot of people have died before the drugs came. I even remember the time that people had to pay a lot of money for drugs. Now there are free drugs. It is just for me to go the hospital and collect it. I am not paying for it. That makes me happy
If you are HIV positive and pregnant, PMTCT is the answer for you, do not lose hope, accept it with good faith, listen to the nurses and counselors, take your drugs as the doctor prescribed, in due time, when the baby comes, he will come out negative. I am a living testimony, my three children are negative,
We’ve been able to see more patients at a very short time. At the end of the day, the patient is satisfied – speaking about Electronic Health Record in University of Abuja Teaching Hospital
We realized that we have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to stand as a CBO. In 2011, we started developing our documents, beginning the registration process, developing policies and consulting IHVN staff who advised us and built our capacity. In fact, they were our cheer leaders, telling us that we can do it. – speaking on support and mentorship for Godiya Support Groups.

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