The Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) has participated in the 54th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Paris. The conference, which had the theme, “Transforming Evidence into Practice,” provided a platform for implementers and researchers to share experiences and present the latest scientific research on lung health, to network, and discuss the need for evidence-based health policies and decisions.
IHVN facilitated a symposium and presented 14 oral abstracts and five e-posters. Staff from the USAID TB-LON 3 project, Global Fund Public Private Mix (GF PPM) and International Research Center of Excellence (IRCE) shared experiences and research findings from the Institute’s project and research activities in Nigeria.
Abstracts were presented on community tuberculosis screening activities, the use of artificial intelligence for tuberculosis case-finding, private-sector collaboration to fight tuberculosis, childhood tuberculosis, and drug-resistant tuberculosis amongst others.
IHVN staff also participated in sharing information about efforts to address tuberculosis in Nigeria at the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Program (NTBLCP) and USAID booths.
IHVN Director of TB Programs and Chief of Party of the USAID TB-LON 3 Project, Dr. Aderonke Agbaje, said that “Nigeria has made progress in engaging all stakeholders towards finding the missing tuberculosis cases, improving the coverage of tuberculosis treatment and providing quality, patient-centered services. IHVN contributed significantly to the country’s success and as such, it is important to share the best practices we deployed in achieving this. We also learned about novel interventions, new tools, and new regimens that will further improve the services we provide,” she said.
Prior to the conference, Dr. Agbaje joined more than 130 participants at the Global Meeting of the Working Group on Public-Private Mix (PPM) for TB Prevention and Care to share experiences on PPM implementation, innovative approaches as well as lessons learned from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on private sector health service delivery in Nigeria.