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Invitation to bid for the • Supply of Laboratory Items under USAID TB LON grant

Background The Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria (IHVN) was established in 2004 as a local organization to address the HIV/AIDS crisis in Nigeria through the development of infrastructure for treatment, care, prevention, and support for people living with and that affected by HIV/AIDS but has now expanded its services to other infectious diseases of TB and malaria, including cancers.  IHVN is structured to develop and maintain linkages with local and international organizations in collaborative ways that support the Government of Nigeria’s health sector strategic plans. IHVN key technical and funding partners are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
BID Title: Supply of Laboratory Items under USAID TB LON grant.
Scope of Bid
  • Bidders are invited to submit a Bid for the goods and/or services specified above: Schedule of Requirements, in accordance with this bid.
Interpretation of the Bid
  • This RFB is an invitation to treat and shall not be construed as an offer capable of being accepted or as creating any contractual, other legal or restitutionary rights.
  • This RFB is conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of IHVN Procurement Manual (latest version of which can be accessed at: www.ihvnigeria.org and other relevant Organizational Directives and Administrative Instructions that are referred to in the Procurement Manual.
  • The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid shall be written in the English language, unless specified otherwise in the bid advert. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages into the English language, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern.
  • The Bidder shall bear all costs of translation to the governing language and all risks of the accuracy of such translation.
Bid Eligibility Bidders may be a private, public or government-owned legal entity or any association with legal capacity to enter into a binding Contract with IHVN.

A Bidder, and all parties constituting the bidder, may have the nationality of any country with the exception of the nationalities, if any, listed in United State Government Debarment List. A Bidder shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if the Bidder is a citizen or is constituted, incorporated, or registered and operates in conformity with the provisions of the laws of that country.

A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. A bidder shall be considered to have a conflict of interest if:

  • A Bidder has a close business or family relationship with a IHVN personnel who: (i) are directly or indirectly involved in the preparation of the bidding documents or specifications of the contract, and/or the bid evaluation process of such contract; or (ii) would be involved in the implementation or supervision of such contract;
  • A Bidder is associated, or has been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by IHVN to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the goods, services or works required in the present procurement process;
  • A Bidder has an interest in other bidders, including when they have common ownership and/or management. Bidders shall not submit more than one bid, except for alternative offers, if permitted. This will result in the disqualification of all bids in which the Bidder is involved. This includes situations where a firm is the Bidder in one bid and a sub-contractor on another; however, this does not limit the inclusion of a firm as a sub-contractor in more than one bid.

Bidders must disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest in the Bid Submission and they shall be deemed ineligible for this procurement process unless such conflict of interest is resolved in a manner acceptable to IHVN. Failure to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest may lead to the Bidder being sanctioned.

A Bidder shall not be eligible to submit a quotation if and when at the time of quotation submission, the Bidder:

  • Is included in any other Ineligibility List from a IHVN partner and if so listed in United State Government Debarment List.
  • Is currently suspended from doing business with IHVN and removed from its vendor database(s), for reasons other than engaging in proscribed practices as defined in the IHVN Procurement Policy.



Clarification of the Bid

Bidders may request clarification in relation to the RFB by submitting a written request to the contact stated in the Bid advert, until the time stated as deadline on the RFB. Explanations or interpretations provided by personnel other than the named contact person will not be considered binding or official.
Bid Currency The bid shall be made in Naira. If applicable, for comparison and evaluation purposes, IHVN will convert the quotations into USD at the official IHVN rate of exchange in force at the time of the deadline for Bid Submission.

IHVN reserves the right not to reject any bid submitted in a currency other than the mandatory bidding currency. IHVN may accept bid submitted in another currency than stated above if the Bidder confirms during clarification of quotations in writing that it will accept a Contract issued in the mandatory bid currency and that for conversion the official IHVN operational rate of exchange of the day of RFB deadline as stated in Section I: RFB Particulars shall apply. Regardless of the currency of quotations received, the Contract will always be issued and subsequent payments will be made in the mandatory bidding currency above.

Rates in bids shall be fixed. Bids with adjustable rates shall be disqualified.

Taxes Contract sum shall be subjected to deduction of 5% withholding tax
Payment Terms IHVN will ordinarily effect payment within 2 to 3 weeks after receipt of the goods/services and on submission of payment documentation.
Audit IHVN may conduct an audit of the contract awarded to determine its completeness, efficacy as well as the performance of the supplier which will be used as a basis for the engagement of the vendors for future procurements.
Requirements Ability to meet delivery targets within IHVN’s specified time period.
Bid Protest Any Bidder that believes to have been unjustly treated in connection with this RFB process or any Contract that may be awarded as a result of such RFB process may submit a complaint to IHVN Management through postal service using the address provided on IHVN website www.ihvnigeria.org
Responsiveness of Bid IHVN’s determination of a Bid’s responsiveness will be based on the contents of the Bid itself.

A substantially responsive Bid is one that conforms to all the terms, conditions, and specifications of the bid advert without material deviation, reservation, or omission.

If a Bid is not substantially responsive, it shall be rejected by IHVN and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the material deviation, reservation, or omission.

Evaluation of Bid The evaluation team shall review and evaluate the Bids on the basis of their responsiveness to the Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications and other documentation provided, applying the procedure indicated in the bid advert. Absolutely no changes may be made by IHVN in the criteria after all Bids have been received.

IHVN reserves the right to undertake a post-qualification exercise, aimed at determining, to its satisfaction the validity of the information provided by the Bidder. Such post-qualification shall be fully documented and, among those that may be listed in the bid advert, may include, but need not be limited to, all or any combination of the following : (a)Verification of accuracy, correctness and authenticity of the information provided by the bidder on the legal, technical and financial documents submitted; (b)Validation of extent of compliance to the IHVN requirements and evaluation criteria based on what has so far been found by the evaluation team; (c)Inquiry and reference checking with Government entities with jurisdiction on the bidder, or any other entity that may have done business with the bidder; (d)Inquiry and reference checking with other previous clients on the quality of performance on on-going or previous contracts completed; (e)Physical inspection of the bidder’s plant, factory, branches or other places where business transpires, with or without notice to the bidder; (f)Testing and sampling of completed goods similar to the requirements of IHVN, where available; and (g)Other means that IHVN may deem appropriate, at any stage within the selection process, prior to awarding the contract.

Qualification Criteria General Criteria:

The Bidder shall possess the necessary professional and technical qualifications and competence, financial resources, production capability with equipment and other physical facilities, including after-sales service where appropriate, managerial capability, specific experience, reputation, and the personnel to perform the contract.
To qualify for a multiple number of lots in a package for which Bids are invited in the Invitation for Bids, The Bidder shall demonstrate having resources and experience sufficient to meet the aggregate of the qualifying criteria for the individual lots

Experience Criteria:

(a)      a minimum number of years of overall experience in the supply of goods and related services;

(b)      a minimum production capacity or availability of equipment; and in case of a Bidder offering to supply goods which the Bidder did not manufacture or otherwise produce, the Bidder has been duly authorized by the goods’ Manufacturer or producer to supply the goods.

Financial Criteria:

  • Evidence of satisfactory completion of supply of similar goods of value
Award Criteria Prior to expiration of the period of Bid validity, IHVN shall award the contract to the qualified and eligible Bidder that is found to be responsive to the requirements of the Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specification, and has offered the lowest price or the most reasonable price.
Bank Guarantee for Advanced Payment All contractor shall produce a banker’s guarantee or insurance bond prior to request for advance payment from the sum of N2.5m and above
Supplier Code of Conduct


IHVN is committed to working in partnership with our suppliers to realize the full value of our relationships and to positively contribute to our stakeholder communities and the environment. Therefore, the following conducts are expected from our suppliers:

  • In keeping with our commitment to exercising appropriate standards of professionalism and ethical conduct in all business activities, IHVN will not tolerate bribery or corruption in any form, or any breach of its Anti-Bribery Policy.
  • Suppliers are expected to maintain accurate records of their activities and performance that clearly demonstrate compliance with all applicable standards, regulations and IHVN requirements.
  • Suppliers must disclose any personal relationships, economic interest or other ties to their business held by an employee or contractor with IHVN.
  • Suppliers shall provide IHVN with high-quality products and services that meet all applicable quality and demonstrate that they have robust Standard Organization of Nigeria requirements in place. We expect suppliers to immediately report to IHVN of any concerns about product safety.
  • Suppliers shall take appropriate measures to secure and protect all confidential information related to its relationship with IHVN and use it only for the purpose authorized under contractual agreement. This obligation shall remain in force regardless of the status of the business relationship.
  • Suppliers to IHVN shall carry out operations with care for the environment and at a minimum will comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
  • Suppliers shall also comply with any additional category specific requirements regarding the goods or services provided to IHVN, for example our requirements in respect of specification.

Instructions to Bidding/Requirements

  • All bids must be in ink or type written; submission in pencil will not be accepted.
  • All enquiries regarding the proposed application for the above should be addressed to the Deputy Director Procurement/HOD SCM of IHV-Nigeria.
  • Bids must be properly sealed.
  • Bidders not registered with IHVN must include company profile.
  • Bidders not registered with IHVN must include copies of tax clearance certificates for the past three years.
  • All bids must provide evidence of at least two similar Jobs made in the past for IHVN/other organizations etc.
  • The bidders must specialize in the supply of health commodities with proof
  • Bidders not registered with IHVN must provide proof of registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
  • Bidders not registered with IHVN must show proof of DUNS certification or the bid will be disqualified
  • Bids should be submitted to the head office on or before the date below specified as deadline.
  • Bids will be opened at the expiration of the bid advert.
  • Bidders must attach a copy of the products catalogue of the bided items or get a sample ready for verification at the time of bid opening
  • ·        All bidders must tender to the detail specification as these are sensitive commodities
  • ·        Any quote with percentage/calculation error will be disqualified at the tender meeting.
  • ·        All bidders must indicate their bid validity period.
  • ·        As time is of the essence, delivery of goods shall be within 6 to 8 weeks from the date of receipt of L.P.O by contractor.
Note* Ø  Bids which must reach us within ten (10) working days from the date of this publication should have the title of the BID written on the “Top Left Hand Corner” of the envelope.

Ø  Please find the Detailed Specifications/Quantities Required on Annex 1 below.

Funding Agency Ø  ACHIEVE Grant
Bid Start Date/ Time 19/02/2021         8:00 am
Bid Deadline Date/ Time 04/03/2021         10:00 am


The Deputy Director Procurement/HOD SCM

SCM Department

Supply Chain Management Department
Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria
Pent House, Maina Court
Plot 252, Herbert Macaulay Way
Central Business District
P.O. Box 9396, Garki, Abuja-NIGERIA
Tel: +234 (0) 9 4610342, 4610341, Fax: +234 Ext. 4025

Email: [email protected]

Annex 1

Detailed Specification/Quantity Required:

S/N o Description UOM QTY Location
1 Biohazard sticker I Piece 40 Lagos state
2 Ziplock bag 500 pieces/pack 46 Lagos state
3 Jumbo wipes 1 piece 871 Lagos state
4 Gloves-Nitrile (Powdered Free) 100 pieces/pack, 10 packs/ case 67 Lagos state
5 3 ply Surgical Face Mask 50 pieces/pack, 10 packs/case 61 Lagos state
6 Hand and Surface Sanitizer – 70% Ethanol Based 500ml 461 Lagos state
7 Gel Hand Sanitizer – 70% Ethanol Based 250ml 900 Lagos state
8 Methylated spirit 2 Litters 461 Lagos state

Research Data Manager

The Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) is a leading and reputable non-governmental organization addressing infectious and non-infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and cancer. IHVN provides prevention, diagnosis, treatment, capacity building, research, and care and support services. IHVN is in partnership with local and international organizations and the different tiers of the government of Nigeria at national, state and local levels. The Institute’s vision is to be a leader in providing quality health services, capacity building and research in West Africa and beyond.

IHVN is seeking a qualified candidate for this position:

Research Data Manager 

Opening Date:  19/02/2020
Closing Date: 02/03/2020
Location: International Research Center of Excellence
Location: Abuja

Type of Employment: Adhoc – Program Assistant

Job purpose:

The Research Data Manager will be responsible for the coordination of study data collection and collation, research database management and data analysis and reporting. The Data Manager will work to provide comprehensive and high quality research data management services. He/She will work with the Data Curation Committee to ensure an effective archiving of data for long term preservation, and maximizing deposit of data in the data repository.

Duties and responsibilities

The duties of the Data Manager include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Design research database platforms for relevant new studies at IRCE and manage the study databases of existing studies.
  • Work as part of the IRCE research team contributing to the data management plans of grant applications.
  • Ensure incoming data from study sites is collected and entered into study database in a timely manner.
  • Perform routine data quality checks, data gap analyses, and regular data backup.
  • Prepare scheduled and adhoc data reports as requested by the Principal Investigator.
  • Work to provide interventions for researchers on specific projects while supporting the creation of data management plans, adhering to funding body requirements and promoting the deposit of data in the IRCE data repository.
  • Attend training sessions and study meetings as required.
  • Train research staff on proper use of data collection tools and data analyses methods.
  • Research database management.
  • Quantitative and Qualitative data coding and analysis.
  • Archiving and storage of all data files.
  • Keep up-to-date with developments in research data management, establish future requirements and make recommendations to improve and develop the data services offered by IRCE.
  • Any other duties as directed by the Head of the Data Management Unit or the IRCE Coordinator

Experience and Skills.

  • Able to maintain good interpersonal relationships and communication skills. Ability to integrate into the team and manage interpersonal conflict and personality differences is important.
  • An analytical mindset with problem-solving skills.
  • Strong organizational skills, ability to absorb new tasks as they arise and are assigned.
  • Previous participation in research studies is an advantage.

Educational Qualifications

  • Bachelors or Masters’ degree in statistics, epidemiology, bioinformatics or public health information management or related fields.
  • Two years’ experience in data management in programming and/or research projects.
  • Proven proficiency in statistical (eg STATA, SAS, SPSS, and/or R) and Microsoft packages (particularly Excel and Access).
  • Ability to generate data tables, charts, graphs will be a key requirement

Working Conditions

  • The successful applicant will be hired on an initial 6 months trial period which can be terminated if performance and fit for job is deemed unsatisfactory. If 6 months trial period is satisfactory, successful applicant will be retained on contract, renewable every 12 months.


Data Manager reports directly to the Principal Investigator to which he or she is assigned and to the Head of the Data Management Unit at IRCE.

For more information, go to www.ihvn-irce.org

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should send a detailed resume and a one page cover letter as one MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to Deputy Director, Human Resources through this email address: [email protected]

Application must explicitly state the position applied for in the subject of the email. Candidates are advised to provide three professional referees with email addresses and phone numbers. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Invitation to bid for the Optimization of GeneXpert Sites

The Institute of Human Virology-Nigeria (IHVN) Procurement Unit on behalf of the Institute hereby invites you to submit a Bid to this Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the above-referenced subject.


IHVN was selected as a Principal Recipient to oversee a two (2) year (2019 – 2022) TB PPM grant by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. In 2016, Xpert MTB/RIF testing was adopted in 2016 as the first point of diagnosis for all forms of TB in Nigeria but the suboptimal functionality of the machines has contributed to the low detection rate of TB Case in Nigeria. As part of the activities in the PPM grant, IHVN has been made responsible to ensure the optimization of selected Xpert MTB/RIF machines on behalf of the National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Control Program.

Purpose of RFB

The purpose of this request is to solicit for bids to facilitate the implementation and optimization of Xpert MTB/RIF Machines across 36 states of Nigeria and the FCT with oversight from Institute of Human Virology-Nigeria.

Invitations for Expression of Interests and Bidding

IHVN is soliciting for interests from reputable service providers, suppliers and organizations with relevant experience in carrying out services listed on our RFB during the project implementation period.

To be eligible to participate in the bidding process, interested organization are required to provide the following information:

  • Signed Cover Letter indicating Lot Number (check Bid BOQ on our website for more information)
  • Company Profile
  • Evidence of company registration (certificate of incorporation of the company – CAC or its equivalent in your country of operation)
  • All Bidders must include copies of tax clearance certificates for the past three years.
  • Proof of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission or similar government regulatory institution in your country of operation.
  • Verifiable evidence of completing similar jobs successfully in the last 3 years, hands-on experience in TB diagnostics and other Laboratory equipment optimization and maintenance, with relevant certifications.
  • Completion of  BID form A-G
  • Technical and human resource capacity to rapidly cover a large number of sites and ability to work within agreed timelines
  • Flexibility, adaptability, and resourcefulness
  • Bank Reference Letter
  • Bid security shall be provided in the amount and form indicated in the BDS
  • Evidence of DUNS certification

Submission Requirements

  • All bids must be in ink or type written; submission in pencil will not be accepted.
  • Cost Proposal: IHVN desires that bidders provide bid formatted in the templates in Annex B. Bids must be in Nigerian Naira.
  • Delivery Information: Delivery period should be stated in line with the expected project performance period
  • Bid must be in Company’s Letter head, duly signed and stamped by an authorized company representative
  • Bid Validity Period must be mentioned and not less than 120 days.
  • Any quote with percentage/calculation error will be disqualified at the tender meeting.


Bids which must reach us within six (6) weeks from the date of this publication should have the title of the BID written on the “Top Left Hand Corner” of the envelope.

All interested bidders can download the BID document from below link.

The Institute’s Contacts/Question about the Bid and Bid Deadline:

  • Funding Agency :GF PPM Grant
  • Start Date :22ndMarch, 2021
  • Bid Deadline Date/Time: 26th March, 2021. @10:00am
  • IHVN contact person : Head of Supply Chain Management Department
  • IHVN Technical person on project : Head of Unit –Technical Team

NOTE to bidders: We can only achieve our aims of long term success if you provide an outstanding service and quality products. To this end, IHVN shall reserve the right to terminate any contract midway or after delivery of services/goods either for non-performance or non-compliance with specification, delivery time and any other terms of the contract.

1 Issuance of contracts to vendors & signing 6th-7th April IHVN & Vendors
Post-Award Field Exercise
2 Field Survey 8th April – 22nd June Contractor
3 Material procurement Contractor
4 Installation work Contractor
5 Inspection/Job certification IHVN/NTBLC
6 Payment 25th – 30th June IHVN

Click links below to download Bid details

GeneXpert Optimization
BID BOQ_ Annex

Research Data Manager

The Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) is a leading and reputable non-governmental organization addressing infectious and non-infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and cancer. IHVN provides prevention, diagnosis, treatment, capacity building, research, and care and support services. IHVN is in partnership with local and international organizations and the different tiers of the government of Nigeria at national, state and local levels. The Institute’s vision is to be a leader in providing quality health services, capacity building and research in West Africa and beyond.

IHVN through its International Research Center of Excellence (IRCE) is conducting the Caregiver Peer Support (CaPS) research study, funded by Collaborative Initiative for Pediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER).  This study is to test the impact of structured caregiver peer support to improve adherence and promote achievement of viral suppression among unsuppressed children (0-10 years) living with HIV in Nigeria. To implement this study, IHVN is seeking for qualified candidates for the following position:

Research Data Manager 

Opening Date:             11th January, 2021.
Closing Date:  25th January, 2021.
Location: Abuja

Job purpose:

The Research Data Manager will be responsible for the coordination of study data collection and collation, CaPS research database management and study data analysis and reporting.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

The duties of the Data Manager include:

  • Adapting and designing study data collection tools.
  • Deploying and distributing study data tools.
  • Designing of a research database platform which is relevant to the study and captures all indicators and outcome measures.
  • Ensuring that incoming data from study sites is collected and entered into study database in a timely manner.
  • Performing routine data quality checks, data gap analyses, and data backup.
  • Preparing scheduled and ad hoc data reports as requested by the Principal Investigator.
  • Attending training sessions and study meetings as required.
  • Training research staff on proper use of data collection tools.
  • Carrying out research database management.
  • Handling qualitative data coding and analysis.
  • Archiving and storing of all study data files.
  • Any other duties as directed by the Principal Investigator.

Experience and Skills

  • Mature interpersonal and communication skills; ability to integrate into the team and maturely manage interpersonal conflict and personality differences is important.
  • An analytical mindset with problem-solving skills.
  • Strong organizational skills, ability to absorb new tasks as they arise and are assigned.
  • Participation in research study or any HIV intervention supported by PEPFAR or other related donors is an advantage.

Educational Qualifications

  • Bachelors’ or Masters’ degree in statistics, epidemiology, public health information management or related fields.
  • Two years’ experience in data management in HIV programming and/or research project.
  • Proven proficiency in statistical (eg STATA, SAS, SPSS, and/or R) and Microsoft packages (particularly Excel and Access).
  • Ability to generate data tables, charts, graphs will be a key requirement.

Working Conditions

Original project period for the CaPS study is for two years (December 2019 to November 2021) with planned extension of timeline due to COVID-19 delays.

  • The successful applicant will be hired on an initial six month trial period which can be terminated if performance is deemed unsatisfactory.
  • If six month trial period is satisfactory, successful applicant will be retained on contract, renewable every 6 months for the duration of the study and while funding is available.
  • Must be a resident in the state of work, ie Federal Capital Territory/Abuja.


Data manager reports directly to the Principal Investigator.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should send a detailed resume and a one page cover letter as one MS Word document explaining suitability for the position to Deputy Director, Human Resources through this email address: [email protected]

Application must explicitly state the position applied for in the subject of the email. Candidates are advised to provide three professional referees with email addresses and phone numbers. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

For more information about the (CaPS) study, go to,

The International Research Center of Excellence (IRCE), Institute of Human Virology Nigeria       www.ihvn-irce.org

CIPHER Grant page for CaPS Study: https://www.iasociety.org/HIV-Programmes/Programmes/Paediatrics-CIPHER/CIPHER-Grant-Programme/Grantees-Jasper

ClinicalTrials.gov site for the CaPS study https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04222270